Does the hotel have parking available for guests?
The hotel has no private parking for guests. There is a public car park located about 500mt away at the entrance of the urbanisation Cala Galdana. You can park in the streets surrounding the hotel.
The hotel does not have private parking for guests. It is located in a blue zone street, and just 3 minutes walk away there are 2 public car parks with reduced rates. (0.20€ per hour). The car park is open from 09.00 to 14.00 and from 16.30 to 19.30 (17.30 to 20.30 in summer).
Artiem Carlos has 11 parking spaces in the street. They must be booked in advance. The cost is 20€ per day from 01/06 to 30/09 and 15€ per day outside that period.
Hotel Artiem Madrid has 40 parking spaces. It is recommended you book beforehand. The price is €8 x day for third-party bookings and free for guests with a direct booking through ARTIEM – booked on our website or by phone.
ARTIEM Asturias
Free outdoor private parking.
Is the hotel accessible by wheelchair?
ARTIEM Audax, Carlos, Asturias and Madrid are all wheelchair accessible. ARTIEM Capri has certain obstacles to accessibility at the hotel entrance, restaurant and gymnasium.
Are pets allowed?
No, they are not allowed, with the exception of guide dogs for sight-impaired guests.
Approximate fare from the airport to:
- Audax (Cala Galdana) €45
- Capri (Mahón) €14
- Carlos (Es Castell) €17
- Madrid €30
- Asturias 50€
Public transport
- Capri: 3 minutes’ walk from the Mahón Bus Station
- Carlos: 300 m from the closest bus stop
- Audax: 500 m from the bus stop
- Madrid: 20 m from the bus stop and 500 m from the metro station.
- Asturias: 10 m from the hotel we have a bus stop with destinations to Gijón and Villaviciosa.
Can I book a shuttle service to reach or leave the hotel?
Audax - Capri - Carlos
If you book on our website, you can add the shuttle service as an extra.
You should give us all your flight information: flight number, arrival and departure times, departure airport, number of passengers.
Madrid - Asturias
We offer no shuttle service.