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A space for professional growth

Events with soul

An ideal venue for enjoying events with personality. We strive daily to be successful in our personal and business challenges. We will help you overcome yours at ARTIEM Asturias.

Offsites 5x5

ARTIEM 5x5 is the formula designed to create a unique professional and personal growth experience for companies at ARTIEM Asturias.

Five main ingredients with their five respective components, totalling 25 differential factors that can transform people and their companies. This all happens in a setting of pure nature.

For over a decade we have been striving to ensure our organisation evolves continually and ... now we wish to share our experience with you!

Growth and development spaces

At ARTIEM Asturias we do not talk of meeting rooms – we speak of growth and development spaces. Flexible, formal or informal ... These are spaces that invite creativity and innovation, so they are perfect for intimate meetings, workshops, presentations or private parties.


A private, exclusive club where what matters is not who but how you are. A place for people who are responsibly concerned for the wellness of both body and mind. Our daily motivation is to inspire happiness!


Find us

+34 985 341 997

Quintueles-Villaviciosa N-632
Km 59,6 - 33314

See Google Maps How to get there

From Gijón: departure of Gijón in direction Santander by the A-8. Take the exit 371 address n-632 / San Miguel De Arroes / Quintes / Quintueles. In the roundabouts, take the exit direction Quintueles, continue for the n-632 until you reach the intersection, at the stop, turn left, continue for the n-632 and turn left. - Consult with our reception how to get from other points of origin: Tel. + 34 985 341 997.

Commit to your professional growth
